Enth Degree specialises in brokering the best prices on capacity broadband Fibre connectivity for your business. Whether you require local, International, dedicated point-to-point or just straight internet access, Enth Degree’s one-stop shop delivers a seamless, end-to-end managed Global Connectivity service offering that simplifies the procurement and ongoing management of your local and international connectivity.
Enth Degree Fibre connectivity is the enabler to all our other Cloud managed services like VoiP, Unified Communications, Data Storage backup and recovery, and much more. Get business class fibre and enable all the other fantastic cloud business opportunities. Speak to one of our consultants to find out more and how we can reduce your companies IT operational costs.
We know that there are many places in Africa and Southern Africa that fibre hasn’t reached yet and probably won’t for quite some time. This is why Enth Degree can offer you business-speed internet via satellite anywhere in Africa. Enth Degree has faced this very challenge of remote connectivity while dealing with clients like the Banks and EMP’s in Africa for over 14 years.
Besides being a solution for remote connectivity, Enth degree offers VSAT in the following options
- Redundancy – Network redundancy is a simple concept to understand. If you have a single point of failure and it fails you, then you have nothing to rely on. If you put in a secondary (or tertiary) method of access, then when the main connection goes down, you will have a way to connect to resources and keep the business operational.
- BackHaul Connectivity – In remote areas, traditional terrestrial backhaul is cost prohibitive making satellite backhaul the only option.
Enth Degree makes high-speed internet possible for business in Africa, no matter where that business is.
Enth Degree specialises in brokering the best prices on capacity broadband wireless connectivity for your business. Wireless Broadband penetration is rapidly increasing worldwide and is the fastest growing segment in telecoms. A wireless network provides an excellent option for corporate companies as it’s Fast, Flexible and Quick to deploy.
Advantages of Wireless Broadband There are several significant advantages of Wireless Broadband Internet which is driving massive growth of this segment
- Easy access to customer
- Faster rollout
- Wider reach of service to remote locations
- Less capital expenditure needed compared to fixed broadband access
- No need of any cabling within premises.
As a neutral service provider, Enth Degree, provides best-fit solutions for your business from a number of global network providers. In addition to providing HSIP, VPN, MPLS, DDoS and Media Broadcasting solutions, Enth Degree facilitates relationships between organisations and telco companies to deliver fail-proof connectivity at the best possible price. Our business model is unique and it works for our customers. We are able to provide our customers with options, which ensures we broker the best solution tailored to their needs and at the best possible price.